Avtor/Urednik     Fornara, C; Locatelli, T; Medaglini, S; Cursi, M; Leocani, L; Weber, G; Chiumello, G; Comi, G
Naslov     EEG modifications in children with congenital hypothyroidism
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Stalberg EV, de Weerd AW, Zidar J, editors. ECCN 98. 9th European congress of clinical neurophysiology; 1998 Jun 4-7; Ljubljana. Bologna: Monduzzi editore,
Leto izdaje     1998
Obseg     str. 573-6
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     We studied the modifications of EEG coherence in 40 children with Congenital Hypothyroidism (CH): 18 of these patients (14 females, 4 males age ranged between 6-18 yrs) were diagnosed clinically and further confirmed by measurement of serum T4, T3, TSH (prescreening group) while 22 subjects (18 females, 4 males age ranged between 6 and 13 yrs) were detected by a screening program (Postscreening group) and treated with replacement therapy within the first two montsh of life. The Pre- and Post- screening groups were also subdivided in two groups on the basis of age. All patients submitted to 10 minutes of EEG at rest, eyes closed. We considered the following parameters: absolute and relative power and coherence of delta 0.4-3.9 Hz, theta 4-4.9 Hz, alpha 8-11.9 Hz and beta 12-30 Hz frequency bands. Alterations of EEG parameters were present in both groups but especially in the young poulationof group A were we found a significant modifications of absolute power and coherence modifications particularsly in the CNS maturative development.
Deskriptorji     HYPOTHYROIDISM