Avtor/Urednik     Remškar, Zlata; Šorli, Jure; Eržen, Damjan; Zalokar, Polona
Naslov     Miliarna tuberkoloza na Golniku v letih 1995-1997
Prevedeni naslov     Miliary tuberculosis at Golnik hospital during 1995-1997
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 67, št. 5
Leto izdaje     1998
Obseg     str. 289-91
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background. Our aim was to study the frequency of occurrence and clinical caracteristics of miliary tuberculosis at Golnik Hospital during 1995 and 1997. Methods. A retrospective study was performed. With the help of computer data we found and than analysed 16 patients with miliary tuberculosis in the three year period. We followed the following variables: age, sex, history, clinical examination, basic laboratory results of blood and urine samples analysis, chest X-ray, microbiologic examinationfor the Mycobacterium tuberculosae and the course, complications and effectivness of antituberculotic treatment of miliary tuberculosis. Results. of the total of 16 patients there were 8 male and 8 female. The average age of the patients was 58.1+-11.3 years. patients observed the simptoms of the disease 3.2+-1.5 months prior to seeking medical help. 10 patients were first treated at other medical centers on average for 2+-1.5 months and were than transferred to Golnik Hospital. 8 patients were immunocompromized, 1 had AIDS. 9 patients were younger than 50. In 15 patients the diagnosis was confirmed by microbiologic isobation of Mycobacterium tuberculosae indifferent cultures. In on epatient the diagnosis of tuberculosis was cinfirmed by autopsy. We did not have the problem with resistency of Mycobacterium tuberculosae to treatment. 3 patients died soon after admission to hospital. In 2 patients autopsy confirmed miliary tuberculosis as the cause of death. Patients were on average hospitalized for 3.1+-1.3 months. Conclusions. Miliary tuberculosis is not a common disease. It only involves 1% of the patients treated for tuberculosis. It has, however, been shown in our study that it is still a diagnostic problem due to it's unspecific clinical findings and laboratory results.
Izvleček     Izhodišča. Namen raziskave je bil dobiti vpogled v pogostnost in klinične značilnosti miliarne tuberkuloze, zdravljene na Kliničnem oddelku za pljučne bolezni in alergologijo Golnik v letih od 1995 do 1997. Metode. naredili smo retrospektivno raziskavo, pri kateri smo z računalniškim poizvedovanjem v triletnem razdobju odkrili 16 bolnikov z miliarno tuberkulozo, pri katerih smo analizirali naslednje kazalnike in izvide: starost, spol, anamnezo, klinični pregled, osnovne biokemične preiskave krvi in urina, rentgenogram prsih organov, bakteriološke preiskave na bacil tuberkuloze ter potek, zaplete in učinkovitost antituberkuloznega zdravljenja miliarne tuberkuloze. Rezultati. med 16 bolniki je bilo 8 moških in 8 žensk. Povprečna starost bolnikov je bila 58,1+-11,3 leta. Simptomatiko bolezni pred iskanjem zdravniške pomoči so bolniki opazovali v povprečju 3,2+-1,5 meseca. Deset bolnikov je bilo napotenih v Bolnišnico Golnik po poprejšnjem zdravljenju v drugih zdravstvenih ustanovah, katerih trajanje je bilo v povprečju 2+-1,5 meseca. Osem bolnikov je bilo imunsko kompromitiranih, eden izmed njih je imel aids. Devet bolnikov je bilo mlajših od 50 let. Pri 15 bolnikih je bila diagnoza bakteriološko potrjena z izolacijo bacila tuberkuloze iz različnih kužnin. Pri enem bolniku je bila diagnoza miliarne tuberkuloze potrjena z obdukcijo. Rezistence na antituberkulotike izoliranih sevov tuberkuloznega bacila nismo opazovali. Trije bolniki so kmalu po sprejemu umrli. Pri dveh je obdukcija opredelila miliarno tuberkulozo kotneposredni vzrok smrti. hospitalno zdravljenje je trajalo povprečno 3,1+-1.3 meseca. Zaključki.(Izvleček prekinjen pri 2000 znakih.)