Author/Editor     Kralj, Božo
Title     Urinska inkontinenca pri ženskah
Translated title     Female urinary incontinence
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. 5-6
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 191-5
Language     slo
Abstract     Urinary incontinence is one of the most frequent pathologies and problems experienced by the female population. The incidence of women requiring treatment due to the severity of urinary incontinence world-wide ranges between 5% and 13%. The study performed in 3047 women of all age groups from Slovenia showed the incidenc eof women with urinary incontinence requiring treatment to be 13,6%. Statistical analysis also showed that age, physical work, constitutional type and parity contribute significantly to the occurrence of female urinary incontinence. The most frequent type is stress urinary incontinence, diagnosed in 51% - 77% of women with urinary incontinence. The degree of urinary incontinence is diagnosed by PAD test, and the type of urinary incontinence by urodynamic measurements. Female urinary incontinence is most commonly classified into urethral and extraurethral, as proposed by the International Continence Society in 1975. When deciding on the type of treatment of urinary incontinence in general, and of stress urinary incontinence in particular, numerous factors should be considered, such as type and degree of urinary incontinence, relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles and consecutive utero-vaginal prolapse, associated diseases (genital, extragenital) as well as the physician's experience with each type of treatment. Conservative treatment of stress urinary incontinence proves efficient (cured and improved) in 66% of patients performing Kegel exercises, and in 74% of patients treated by functional electrical stimulation (FES). Three months after vaginal or retropubic surgery, both types of operative treatment of stress urinary incontinence prove to be almost efficient. Two years after surgery, however, the difference in the outcome between the two surgical procedures becomes significant (vaginal surgery: 88,5% vs. retropubic surgery: 97%).(Abstract truncated at 2000 characters.)
Summary     Urinska inkontinenca je pogostna težava pri ženskah. Menimo, da je 5% do 13% žensk tako hudo inkontinentnih, da potrebujejo zdravljenje. Naši podatki iz študijske skupine, ki je vpljučevala 2047 žensk vseh starostnih skupin, kažejo, da je v Sloveniji 13,6% žensk tako hudo inkontinentnih, da potrebuje zdravljenje. Zato zaključujemo, da je urinska inkontinenca eden od najpgosotejših zdravstvenih problemov ženske populacije. Statistično smo ugotovili, da na povečanje Števila ženska z urinsko inkontinenco statistično značilno vplivajo: starost, fizično delo, Število porodov in konstitucijski tip. najpogostejŠa je stresna urinska inkontinenca, ki jo ugotovimo pri 51% do 77% inkontinentnih žensk. V diagnostičnem postopku poudarjamo pomen testov PAD (test s predlogo) pri ugotavljanju stopnje urinske inkontinence in urodinamske preiskave za točno opredelitev vrste urinske inkontinence. Navajamo najpogosteje uporabljeno klasifikacijo urinske inkontinence pri ženskah (International Continence Society - ICS, 1975), to je razdelitev na uretralno in ekstrauretralno urinsko inkontinenco. izbira zdravljenja urinske inkontinence, posebno stresne urinske inkontinence, je odvisna od Številnih dejavnikov: vrste urinske inkontinence, stopnje urinske inkontinence, relaksacije mišičja medeničnega dna ter posledičnega poveŠanja maternice in nožnice, spremljajočih (genitalna, ekstragenitalna) in izkušenj s posameznimi vrstami zdravljenja. pri konzervativnem zdravljenju stresne urinske inkontinence smo uspešni (ozdravljenje in izboljŠanje) pri 66% bolnic, zdralvjenih s fizioterapijo - vajami po Keglu, in pri 74% bolnic, zdravljenih s funkcionalno električno stimulacijo )FES). Pri operativnem zdravljenju stresne urinske inkontinence smo skoraj enako uspešni z vaginalno in retropubično operacijo po treh mesecih po posegu, vendar so razlike v uspešnosti obeh operacij značilne po dve leti po posegu (vaginalna operacija:88,5%, retropubična operacija: 97%).(Izvleček prekinjen pri 2000 znakih.)