Avtor/Urednik     Šelb, Jožica
Naslov     Umrljivost v Sloveniji v letu 1996
Prevedeni naslov     Mortality rates in Slovenia in 1996
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 67, št. 6
Leto izdaje     1998
Obseg     str. 349-53
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background. The negative indices are still used for the population health status measurement of which mortality rates are the most easily accessible. The purpose of the article is an annual monotoring of mortality of the population of Slovenia by the basic epidemiological characteristics. Methods. This paper is a simple cross section of the mortality situation in Slovenia in 1966 presented by gender, age group, and region. The data about the deceased and the causes of death are collected in: The Death Certificate and The Registration of Death or the DEM-2 form. The rates, the age standardised death rates, years of potential life lost, and median age at death were calculated. Result. The highest mortality rates were registered in the regions of Maribor and Murska Sobota. The highest premature mortality rates were also registered in these two regions and the lowest median age at death in Maribor. In Slovenia babies mostly died due to congenital anomalies and states originating in prenatal, natal and postnatal period. Children mostly died because of injuries and poisonings and this was also the most frequent cause of death of boys throughout their youth. Other causes of death of school children and youth besides injuries and poisoning were also malign neoplasm. The most frequent cause of death in yound adult men were suicides, and the most frequent cause of death in women were traffic accidents. Older adult men most frequently died of respiratory cancer and ishaemic heart disease, women of the same age died of digestive organs cancer and breast cancer. Old people mostly died of heart attack, stroke and other heart diseases and also of respiratory and digestivbe organs cancer. Conclusions. We still notice a lower quality of registering of causes of death, but the aggregated data are still useful for measuring population health status.
Izvleček     Izhodišča. Za ocenjevanje zdravja prebivalstva se še vedno uporabljajo negativni kazalci zdravja, med katerimi so najverodostojnejše stopnje umrljivosti. Namen vsakoletnega prikaza je spremljati umrljivost prebivalcev Slovenije po osnovnih epidemioloških lastnostih in vrniti informacije zdravnikom, ki izpisujejo vzroke smrti. Metode. Prispevek je enostaven prikaz umrljivosti v Sloveniji leta 1966, razdeljene po spolu, starosti in območju bivališča. Uporabili smo podatke o umrlih, ki se zbirajo na Zdravniškem potrdilu o smrti in vzrokih smrti ter Prijavi smrti. Računali smo stopnje in starostno standardizirane stopnje umrljivosti, prezgodnjo umrljivost ter mediano starosti ob smrti. Rezultati. Najvišje stopnje umrljivosti smo zabeležili v območjih Maribor in Murska Sobota. Tu je bila tudi najvišja prezgodnja umrljivost in v Mariboru najnižja mediana starosti ob smrti. V Sloveniji so dojenčki umirali predvsem zaradi prirojenih nepravilnosti in stanj, nastalih v perinatalnem obdobju, otroci zaradi poškodb in zastrupitev, šolarji in mladi zaradi poškodb in zastrupitev ter neoplazem. Najpogostejši vzroki smrti mladih odraslih moških so bili samomori, enako stari žensk prometne nezgode; starejših odraslih moških rak dihal in ishemična bolezen srca, enako starih žensk rak prebavil in dojk. Stari so najpogosteje umirali zaradi srčne in možganske kapi, ostalih bolezni srca ter raka dihal in prebavil. Zaključki. Pri nas se včasih še vedno površno beležijo vzroki smrti, vendar so agregirani podatki kljub temu uporabni za ocenjevanje zdravstvenega stanja prebivalstva.
Deskriptorji     MORTALITY