Author/Editor     Debeljak, Andrej; Triller, Nadja; Terčelj, Marjeta; Kern, Izidor
Title     Bronhoskopska igelna aspiracija brez računalniške tomografije prsnega koša v zamejevanju pljučnega raka: kdaj in kje
Translated title     Bronchoscopic needle aspiration without computer tomography of the thorax in the staging of lung cancer: when and where
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 67, št. 6
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 355-8
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. The aim of the study was to find out when and where it is the best toperform bronchoscopic needle aspiration (BNA) for confirmation of mediastinal lymph node metastases in patients with lung cancer. Methods. One hundred andfifteen patients without computer tomographyof the thorax in whom lung cancer had been suspected were included into the prospective study. BNA was performed right and left paratracheally and through the main carina. The smears were stained by May-Gruenwald-Giemsa and Papanicolaou. Results. Therewere99 patients with lung cancer, one with lymphoma and one with cancer of the colon. We found malignant cells in BNA of 37 patients, 35 of them had lund cancer. We confirmed malignant cells in 22 BNAs among 69 patients with central and in 10 BNAs among 30 patients with peripheraltumours. Among 30patients with cancer of the right lung. BNA confirmed metastases tothe right paratracheal lymph nodes in 12, to the subcarinal in 14 and to the left paratracheal in 4 cases. Among 22 patients with cancer of the left lung we found metastases into the left paratrached lymph nodes in 9, to the subcarinal in 6 and to the right paratracheal in 7 cases. Conclusions. BNA should be performed right and left paratracheally and through the main carina for confirmation of mediastinal lymph nodes metastases, regardless of the type and location of lung cancer.
Summary     Izhodišča. Cilj študije je bil ugotoviti, kdaj in kje je pri bolnikih s pljučnim rakom najbolje napraviti bronhoskopsko igelno aspiracijo (BIA) za ugotavljanje zasevanja v bezgavke mediastinuma. Metode. V prospektivno študijo smo vključili 115 bolnikov s sumom na pljučnega raka, ki niso imeli narejene računalniške tomografije prsnega koša. BIA smo napravili z Olympusovo iglo NA2C desno, levo paratrahealno ter na glavni karini. Brise smo barvali po metodah May-Gruenwald-Giemsi ter Papanicolaou. Rezultati. Pljučnega raka smo ugotovili 99-krat, po enkrat limfom in raka debelega črevesa. Maligne celice smo našli v BIA pri 37 bolnikih, od tega petintrideset s pljučnim rakom. Med 69 centralnimi tumorji smo v BIA našli maligne celice 22-krat in med 30 perifernimi 10-krat. Med 30 bolniki z rakom desnih pljuč smo ugovotili zasevanje v bezgavke desno paratrahealno 12-krat, pod glavno karino 14-krat ter levo paratrahealno 4-krat. Med 22 bolniki z rakom levih pljuč pa smo našli zasevke v bezgavke levo paratrahealno 9-krat, pod glavno karino 6-krat in desno paratrahealno 7-krat. Zaključki. Za potrditev zasevanja v bezgavke mediastinuma je BIA treba napraviti na glavni karini, desno in levo paratrahealno ne glede na vrsto in lego pljučnega raka.
Descriptors     LUNG NEOPLASMS