Author/Editor     Denišlič, Miro
Title     Multipla skleroza
Translated title     Multiple sclerosis
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. 1
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 33-51
Language     slo
Abstract     Multiple sclerosis is a chronic autoimmune demyelinating disease. In the article, the epidemiological situation in the world as well as the prevalence and incidence of multiple sclerosis in our country is presented. The role of geographic, environmental and genetic factors on the development of multiple sclerosis is pointed out. The new insights into the complicated pathophysiological process, the role of myelin destruction and especially the axon involvement in the development of multiple sclerosis is shown. Further, the clinical picture including different symptoms and signs is highlighted. Definitely, the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis is still clinical and requires the broad clinical knowledge. The whole spectrum of different neurophysiological and neuroimaging procedures for the demonstration of clinically overt and clinically silent demyelinating lesions in central nervous system is presented. Finally, the therapeutic approaches in the treatment of relapse duration frequency of relapses and the progression of disease as well as neurorehabilitation which may beneficially effects the disability and handicap in multiple sclerosis patients, is discussed. The concept of neurorehabilitation should be put in the modern image of medical care of multiple sclerosis patients in the future.
Summary     Multipla skleroza je kronična avtoimunska demielinizacijska bolezen. V članku je avtor najprej prikazal njeno razširjenost doma in v svetu ter poudaril pomen zemljepisne lege človekovega bivališča do petnajstega leta na nastanek bolezni. Opozoril je na pomen okolja in na genetske dejavnike, ki vplivajo na razvoj multiple skleroze. Predstavil je zapleten patofiziološki proces nastanka bolezni, pri katerem je pomemben tako propad mielina kot tudi propad aksonov, kar je najnovejša ugotovitev. Članek vsebuje obsežen opis kliničnih simptomov in znakov multiple skleroze, avtor pa je poudaril vrednost preiskav v zgodnji diagnostiki. Ponovno je posebej opozoril na pomen kliničnega pregleda, ki je na račun različnih preiskav pogosto zapostavljen. Avtor prikazuje tudi možnosti zdravIjenja akutnih zagonov bolezni, recidivno remitentne in napredujoče multiple skleroze. Orisal je pomen nevrorehabilitacije, ki je zelo pomembna pri premagovanju prizadetosti in oviranosti bolnikov z muftiplo sklerozo ter pomaga pri njihovem vključevanju v vsakdanje življenje. Nevrorehabilitacija naj bi imela v prihodnosti pomembno mesto v moderni zasnovi zdravljenja.