Avtor/Urednik     Fajdiga, M; Marinculić, A; Primc, J
Naslov     Učinkovitost antihelmintičnega pripravka fascoverm plus proti nekaterim pomembnim zajedavskim boleznim ovac
Prevedeni naslov     Efficacy of the antihelmintic fascoverm plus against some major parasitic diseases of sheep
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Cestnik V, Pogačnik A, editors. Zbornik 2. slovenski veterinarski kongres; 1997 nov 14-16; Rogaška Slatina. Ljubljana: Slovenska veterinarska zveza,
Leto izdaje     1997
Obseg     str. 113-5
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Efficacy of the combined anthelmintic Fascoverm plus was studied in a total of 120 sheep, aged from 2 to 5 years. The presence of eggs of liver fluke was followed in fecal samples by modified McMaster's method. The animals were treated with a single dose of oral suspension Fascoverm plus, at a dose of 1 ml/5 kg body weight. All animals were infected with adult forms of liver fluke (15 to 55 eggs/g of faeces). The efficacy of the preparatioon was evaluated with results of the study on days 21 and 22 after the treatment. We found completly negative results. In addition, a high rate of infection with gastrointestinal parasites (from 154 to 387 eggs of strongylids type per g of faeces). Efficacy of the preparation was checked on day 7 following the treatment. A comparison of coprologic results before the treatment and one week after again proved a negative results. Efficacy studies were also performed in lambs that were naturally infected with broad tapeworm of the Moniezia spp. A great number of eggs of Anoplocephalidae were detected (5 to 35 eggs/g of faeces). The preparation given in the prescribed dose was established as highly effective also from these parasites. A therapeutic dose of 10 mg/kg closantel and 15 mg/kg mebendazole produce high protection against all economically important diseases caused by parasites of sheep.