Author/Editor     Ucman, R; Ravnikar, Maja; Sušek, Danica; Žel, Jana
Title     Ovrednotenje rasti in vitro vzgojenega zdravega česna sort 'ptujski jesenski' in 'ptujski spomladanski' na polju
Translated title     The field evaluation of healthy garlic cv. 'Ptujski jesenski' and 'Ptujski spomladanski' produced in vitro
Type     članek
Source     In: Rečnik M, Verbič J, editors. Zbornik posveta kmetijstvo in okolje; 1998 mar 12-13; Bled. Ljubljana: Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije,
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 319-24
Language     slo
Abstract     Healthy plants of garlic cvs. Ptujski jesenski and Ptujski spomladanski were compared with ELITA plants. The healthy plants were produced by thermotherapy and isolated apical meristem culture, in vitro. The fourth generation of bulbs was compared in cv. Ptujski jesenski. The production of healthy bulbs was by 38-41% higher than that from ELITA cloves. At cv. Ptujski spomladanski the second generation was compared. The bulb growth increased when bigger cloves were planted. From the results obtained it was evident that healthy plants would be useful as high quality elite material and for further selection work.
Descriptors     GARLIC