Author/Editor     Ipšić, I; Mihelič, F; Pepelnjak, K; Gros, J; Dobrišek, S; Pavešić, N; Noeth, E
Title     The Slovenian dialog system for air flight inquiries
Type     članek
Source     In: Anonymous, editor. Proceedings of the 2nd SQEL workshop on multi-lingual information retrieval dialogs; 1997 Apr 27-29; Plzen. Plzen: University of west Bohemia,
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 133-6
Language     eng
Abstract     The paper presents the work on the development of the Slovenian spoken dialog system for air flight inquiries. The system is being developed within the joint project in multilingual speech recognition and understanding Spoken Queries in European Languages (SQEL-Copernicus-1634). The Slovenian system is based on the German demonstrator, which can handle human machine dialogs over the telphone. In the paper we present the so far developed modules of the Slovenian system and show some preliminary results.