Author/Editor     Dobrišek, S; Mihelič, F; Pavešić, N
Title     A multiresolutionally oriented approach for determination of cepstral features in speech recognition
Type     članek
Source     In: Anonymous, editor. Eurospeach '97. 5th European conference on speech communication and technology; 1997 Sep 22-25; Rhodes. Rhodes: University of Patras,
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 1-4
Language     eng
Abstract     This paper presents an effort to provide a more efficent speech signal representation, which aims to be incorporated into an automatic speech recognition system. Modified cepstral coefficients, derived from a multiresolution auditory spectrum are proposed. The multiresolution spectrum was obtained using sliding single point discrete Fourier transformations. It is shown that the obtained spectrum values are similar to the results of a nonuniform filtering operation. The presented cepstral features are evaluated by introducing them into a simple phone recognition system.
Descriptors     SPEECH