Author/Editor     Kmetec, Andrej
Title     Paliativno zdravljenje napredovalega raka sečnega mehurja
Translated title     Palliative treatment of advanced bladder cancer
Type     članek
Source     In: Tršinar B, Sedmak B, editors. Rak sečnega mehurja. Slovenski urološki simpozij; 1997 nov 7-8; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Klinični oddelek za urologijio, Urološka sekcija SZD,
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 94-7
Language     slo
Abstract     A success of bladder cancer therapy is relatively modest, percentage of recurrence and advance of disease is high. Nevertheless a lot is spoken about the methods directed toward recovery, but there are some experiences about palliative therapy. In presented article some surgical modalities of palliative therapies are discussed, oriented regionaly to alleviate symptoms and improve the quality of life. Beside customary operative methods which can be also palliative, some conservative methods are also presented.