Avtor/Urednik     Grošelj, Ciril
Naslov     Imperativ: banka podatkov kardiologških bolnikov!
Prevedeni naslov     Imperative: the cardiological patients data bank!
Tip     članek
Vir     Inform Med Slov Print Ed
Vol. in št.     Letnik 5, št. 1-2
Leto izdaje     1998
Obseg     str. 39-43
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     A great deal of medical investigations are retrospective ones, performed on data from medical archives. Frequently, the complete the proper patients and their medical records is very difficult. The author had, together with his research group, performed the retrospective study regarding the stepwise cardiological diagnostics. According to the protocol of the study, they had to complete over 300 patients medical records and for each patient of over 70 diagnostic results parameters. Individual steps of the named diagnostic procedures are usually performed in different departments of the hospital. The key for the particular medical records was the diagnosis and not the name of the patient. The University medical centre Ljubljana has excellent, for need of the Social security administration only functioning computer network, but it is of no use for other records. For the investigating period (1991-94) the way to the proper medical records was for each deparmtnet specific, on alphabet or chronological order based hand-written books with patient's name or alphabetical card files. For each deparment specific approach would finally bring him to proper medical records. Author, for educational reasons, exactly describes the way of completing the patient data material and suggests to prepare the medical data code index, to code all patients medical data recently after each diagnostic procedure, to cellect these data in particular for each medical problem specific, with computer supported data bank. On this way would be possible practically in a moment collect for particular research project necessary patients medical data. The researcher would use his energy for research of the data and not researching for the data.
Deskriptorji     CORONARY DISEASE