Avtor/Urednik     Ferlan-Marolt, Vera; Kastelic, Višnja
Naslov     Pathohistological support to liver transplantation - when, why and how
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Bren AF, Ferluga D, Olsen S, et al, editors. Proceedings of the International conference on transplantation with emphasis on kidney; 1998 Oct 8-9; Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Medical faculty, Institute of pathology,
Leto izdaje     1998
Obseg     str. 11-5
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     The purpose of this report is to analyse the pathohistological approach to the Slovenian transplantation program in hepatology and to present the first experiences with cadaveric liver grafts, so as the posttransplant allograft pathology. According to the current criteria for graft procurement and prognostic implications of graft quality a protocol was constructed for liver biopsies obtained from cadaveric donors, as well as for morphological diagnosis of the host and implanted liver. The analysed pathohistological features in the liver grafts were hepatocellular swelling, steatosis, and inflammatory infiltration. After implanting, all grafts showed no rejection except one which experienced primary graft nonfunction. THe intensity of the changes in the grats was classified into four categories from normal, mild, moderate to severe according to the contemporary quantitative schema of the pathohistological diagnosis.