Author/Editor     Leonardi, Michele; Ružič, Anton; Lenarčič, Jadran
Title     Ocena deformacije oblike človeškega hrbta: meritve in prikaz
Translated title     Human back shape estimation of 3D deformities: measurement and visualisation
Type     članek
Source     Inform Med Slov Print Ed
Vol. and No.     Letnik 5, št. 1-2
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 83-8
Language     slo
Abstract     The paper presents a method for the estimation of the spinal curves in scoliotic patients. For the determination of the human back shape Fourier Transform profilometry is used. With this method the phase of a projected fringe pattern is extracted from which the surface shape reconstruction is possible. The scoliotic curve is estimated from the human back shape with the use of a frequency sine curve, which is modelated in frequency. This approach gives a smooth and realistic curve, which is a mathematical function based on 4 shape parameters. Measurements on a scoliotic patient are presented.