Author/Editor     Šelih, A
Title     Pravice bolnega otroka in staršev - pravni vidik
Translated title     Rights of child-patient and his/her parents - legal aspect
Type     članek
Source     Slov Pediatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 5, št. Suppl 2
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 14-6
Language     slo
Abstract     The article deals with children's rights of a child-patient. These rights are in principle the same as those of an adult; patients rights as part of human rights refer to children as well. Beside general conditions under which these rights can be limited there are in regard to children also those limitations that refer to his age or his/her ability to exercise them. Such patients rights as respects for child's personality, human dignity and privacy, informed consent and some other of the patient's rights refer to children as well. There are, however, some peculiarities taking into occount the fact that child's parents as his/her legal representatives enjoy the same rights as the child. The article discusses some of the peculiarities, especially informed consent and substituitve consent of a parent.
Summary     Članek obravnava vprašanja pravic otroka - bolnika kot del človekovih pravic. Načeloma uživa otrok enake človekove pravice kot polnoletna oseba; te so omejene le zaradi otrokove starosti oziroma sposobnosti uporabe pravic, ali pa zradi splošnih razlogov. pravice bolnika se v enaki meri kot na polnoletnega pacienta nanašajo tudi na bolnega otroka. Tako velja tudi zanj pravica do spoštovanja kot posameznika in pravica do osebnega dostojanstva; pravica do informiranosti; privolitev; zaupnost podatkov in varstvo zasebnosti in pravica do najvišjih možnih standardov zdravstvene nege in zdravljenja. Prav v zvezi s temi pravicami pa obstajajo pri bolnem otroku tudi določene posebnosti - predvsem gre za to, da se posplošeno rečeno te pravice nanašajo tudi na starše otroka kot njegove zakonite zastopnike.
Descriptors     CHILD ADVOCACY