Avtor/Urednik     Benedik-Dolničar, M; Brecelj-Kobe, M
Naslov     Otrok - onkološki bolnik
Prevedeni naslov     The child - as a cancer patient
Tip     članek
Vir     Slov Pediatr
Vol. in št.     Letnik 5, št. Suppl 2
Leto izdaje     1998
Obseg     str. 33-6
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The authors state the most significant psychologic reactions and interactions in the process going on between the child, its parents and physician when making the diagnosis of cancer. The child's reaction depends on its age, personality traits and family system. The authors point to the importance of the child's cooperation in decisions and plans regarding treatment. They indicate that various forms phychosocial support of the child with cancer and its family as well as its physician and his colleagues are of vital importance. They also menition the rights of the child, the rights and duties of the parents and the duties of the physician in the process of treatment.
Izvleček     V prispevku avtorici navajata pomembnejše psihološke reakcije ter interakcije v procesu, ki se odvija med otrokom starši in zdravnikom ob postavitvi diagnoze - rak. Reakcije otrok na bolezen so odvisne od njihove starosti, osebnostnih značilnosti ter družinskega sistema. Avtorici opozorita na pomen otrokovega sodelovanja pri odločitvah in načrtovanja. Navajata, da so različne oblike psihosocialne pomoči otroku z rakom in njegovi družini ter zdravniku in njegovim sodelavcem nujne. Spregovorita o pravicah otroka, pravicah in dolžnostih staršev ter dolžnostih zdravnika v procesu zdravljenja.
Deskriptorji     NEOPLASMS