Avtor/Urednik     Novljan, G; Kenig, A; Hojker, S; Fettich, JJ; Kenda, RB
Naslov     Ultrazvočni mikcijski cistogram: nova preiskava za ugotavljanje vezikoureternega refluksa pri otrocih
Prevedeni naslov     Ultrasound cystography with echocontrast: a new method for the detection of vesicoureteral reflux in children
Tip     članek
Vir     Slov Pediatr
Vol. in št.     Letnik 5, št. Suppl 2
Leto izdaje     1998
Obseg     str. 114-7
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background: The development of echo-enhanding agents significantly improved the detection of the movement of fluid within the urinary tract by ultrasound (US). The aim of our study was to evaluate the validitry of ultrasonic voiding cystography (UVC), as compared to cenventional radionuclide voiding cystography (RVC), for the detection of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) in children. Material and methods: The study was approved by the relevant ethics committee. 150 potentially refluxing units in 75 children, aged 1.1 to 11.2 years, were investigated by RVC. The indications for this procedure were urinary tract infection, followup of previously detected VUR or screening of a sibling of a child with VUR. During the investigation, an echo enhancing agent Levovist R was administered intravesically through the catheter which has already been inserted for the RVC. The movement of both agents, radiotracer and Levovist R, was registered simultaneously by a computerized gamma camera and US respectively. The results were then analyzed, with RVC representing the standard diagnostic test with which the UVC was compared. Informed consent was obtained from all parents. Results: The overall sensitivity of the UVC for the detection of VUR was 74% and the specificity 91%. Conclusions: We believe that the UVC could become a reliable investigation for the detection or follow-up of VUR in children. However, more data are needed before assigning the place of UVC among conventional x-ray and radionuclide cystographies.
Izvleček     Izhodišče: razvoj ultrazvočnih kontrastnih sredstev je znatno iboljšal sledenje toka tekočin v sečilih z ultrazvočnim aparatom (UZ). Namen naše raziskave je bil ovrednotiti učinkovitost ultrazvočnega mikcijskega cistograma (UMCG) pri odkrivanju vezikoureternega refluksa (VUR) pri otrocih v primerjavi z uveljavljenim radioizotopnim mikcijskim cistogramom (RIMCG). Material in metode. Raziskavo je odobrila Komisija za medicinsko etiko pri Ministrstvu za zdravstvo.V raziskavo smo vključili 75 otrok, starih od 1 do 11 let, to je 150 možnih refluksnih enot. Pri vseh smo opravili RIMCG in UMCG. Indikacije za preiskavo so bile: prebolela okužba sečil, sledenje prej odkritega VUR ali obravnava sorojenca otroka z dokazanim VUR. Obe preiskavi sta potekali hkrati. ob običajni izvedbi RIMCG smo tekočini z radioaktivnim izotopom skozi isti kateter dodali še ultrazvočno kontrastno sredstvo levovist R. Tok radioindikatorja in Levovista R smo hkrati spremljali z gama kamero in z UZ. Rezultati. Pri analizi rezultatov je RIMCG predstavljal standardno diagnostično metodo, s katero smo primerjali izvide UMCG. Skupna občutljivost UMCG, ne glede na stopnjo VUR, je bila 74%, specifičnost pa 91%. Zaključek. Rezultati kažejo, da bi UMCG lahko postal zanesljiv način odkrivanja ali sledenja VUR pri otrocih. Menimo pa, da so potrebni dodatni podatki, preden bomo lahko določili pravo mesto UMCG ob klasičnem rentgenskem in radioizotopnem mikcijskem cistogramu.