Avtor/Urednik | Butala, Aleš | |
Naslov | Pritožbene možnosti v zdravstvu | |
Prevedeni naslov | Complaints feasibility in health service | |
Tip | članek | |
Vir | Zdrav Vestn | |
Vol. in št. | Letnik 67, št. 10 | |
Leto izdaje | 1998 | |
Obseg | str. 575-8 | |
Jezik | slo | |
Abstrakt | An interest in patients rights questions is constantly increasing. The awareness of an individual abouth his rights in the role of a patient is more and more perfect. When an error is committed in the procedure of treatment, or when a patient believes that his rights have not been paid regard to, an effective complaints channel should be permitted. A patient should have a possibility to achieve proceedings of his case by a complaint, and if possible to suppress also the error. Patients should be acquainted with the complaints feasibility, otherwise it is just the same as if it does not exist. Thecomplaints feasibility survey and their implementation show that the efficient right to complain as regards performing the health service in practice is not ensured to an individual. The internal complaints channel inside a health institution where the asserted irregularity has been committed should be given a greater stress. External complaints channels, especially those with the Medical Chamber of Slovenian should ensure objectiveness and also (price) accessibility. The complaints proceedings should be fair, impartial, independent and confidential. The decision should be made in areasonable time limit. It is necessary to assure proper ways to eliminate errors, or to sanction irregularities respectively. The complaint is entitled a detailed explanation and argument of the complaints decision with clear motives in actual, professional and legal respect. It is also in the interest of the patient rights to assure respect for professional and scientific titles in medicine. | |
Izvleček | Zanimanje za vprašanja pravic bolnikov se stalno povečuje. Vse popolnejše je zavedanje posameznika o njegovih pravicah v vlogi bolnika. Kadar pride do napake v postopku zdravljenja oziroma kadar bolnik meni, da njegove pravice niso bile upoštevane, mora biti omogočena učinkovita pritožbena pot. Bolnik mora imeti možnost s pritožbo doseči obravnavanje svojega primera in, če se le da, tudi odpravo napake. Bolniki morajo biti s pritožbenimi možnostmi seznanjeni, sicer je enako, kot če jih ne bi bilo. Pregled pritožbenih možnosti in njihovo izvajanje kažeta, da posamezniku učinkovita pravica do pritožbe v zvezi z opravljanjem zdravstvene dejavnosti v praksi ni zagotovljena. Interni pritožbeni poti znotraj zdravstvenega zavoda, kjer je prišlo do zatrjevane nepravilnosti, bi bilo treba dati večji poudarek. Zunanje pritožbene poti, zlasti pri Zdravniški zbornici Slovenije, morajo zagotavljati objektivnost in tudi (cenovno) dostopnost. Pritožbeni postopek mora biti pošten (fair), nepristranski, neodvisen in zaupen. Odločitev mora biti biti sprejeta v razumnem roku. Zagotoviti je treba primerne poti za odpravo napak oziroma za sankcioniranje nepravilnosti. Pritožniku gre natančno pojasnilo in utemeljitev pritožbene odločitve z jasnimi razlogi v dejanskem, strokovnem in pravnem pogledu. V interesu pravic bolnika je treba zagotoviti spoštovanje strokovnih in znanstvenih naslovov tudi v medicini. | |