Author/Editor | Eržen, Darja | |
Title | Klinični pregled dojk | |
Translated title | Clinical examination of the breast | |
Type | članek | |
Source | Radiol Oncol | |
Vol. and No. | Letnik 32, št. Suppl 7 | |
Publication year | 1998 | |
Volume | str. S27-9 | |
Language | slo | |
Abstract | Clinical examination is the first and most important method in diagnosis a breast disease. It comprises four phases: personal history, inspection and palpation, conclusion and staging. The clinical examination serves as a basis for the next steps to be taken, i.e. no steps at all, another examination, biopsy or surgery. Personal history is focused on the detection of breast cancer risk factors. In the next phase, the inspection and palpation, the breast symmerty is checked, and the nipples, epidermis, discharge, if any, nodosity, tumor and the axilliary and supraclavicular lymph nodes are examined. | |
Summary | Klinični pregled je prva in najpomembnejša metoda v diagnostiki bolezni dojk. Vsebuje štiri faze: anamnezo, inspekcijo in palpacijo, zaključek in zamejitev bolezni. Je osnova za odločitev o nadaljnem postopku (nič, ponovne kontrole, biopsija ali kirurgija). Anamneza je usmerjena na iskanje dejavnikov tveganja za rak dojke. Pri inspekciji in palpaciji smo pozorni na simetričnost dojk, bradavici, kožo dojk, izcedek, vozličavost dojk, tumor, pazdušne in supraklavikularne bezgavke. | |