Author/Editor     Vargazon, Tomaž; Kadivec, Maksimiljan; Hertl, Kristjana
Title     Okrogle lezije v dojki
Translated title     Round breast masses
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 32, št. Suppl 7
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. S87-91
Language     slo
Abstract     The article describes the characteristics of well-defined breasts lesions as well as their differential diagnostics. The author of this article tries refreshens the role of radiologist and the significance of radiologic diagnostics, ultrasound and other interventions in the breast. Sometimes, only mammography is enough to establish final diagnosis. The majority of oval breasts lesions, visible on standard mammograms have to be additionaly diagnostically treated; however the surgical biopsy of well-defined oval tumors is seldom made.
Summary     Prispevek obravnava značilnosti okroglih, gladkorobnih lezij v dojkah in diferencialno diagnostiko le-teh. Avtor preglednega članka skuša prikazati mesto radiologa in pomen radiološke diagnostike, ultrazvoka in intervencijskih posegov v dojki. Pri nekaterih okroglih lezijah mamografija zadošča za dokončno diagnozo. Večino okroglih lezij v dojkah, vidnih na standardnih mamogramih, pa je potrebno dodatno diagnostično obdelati, redkokdaj pa se odločimo za kirurško biopsijo ostrorobnega okroglega tumorja.
Descriptors     BREAST DISEASES