Author/Editor     Rener, Miljeva
Title     Nekaj napotkov za začetnike
Translated title     Some guidelines for the beginners
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 32, št. Suppl 7
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. S97-101
Language     slo
Abstract     While in case of palpable changes in the breast, the decision on surgical treatment primarily depends upon the clinical extamination and a clinican can draw a conclusion without taking account of image diagnosis, in non-palpable changes in the breast, the decision is based on the suspicion confirmed by mammmographic findings, sometimes even without considering cytologic or histologic findings. A radiologist should, of course, be well acquainted with the disadvantages of any examination technique.
Summary     Medtem ko je odločitev o morebitnem operativnem posegu pri tipljivih spremembah odvisna predvsem od kliničnega vtisa in se klinik včasih odloča ne glede na izvide slikovne diagnostike, velja za netipljive spremembe, da se odločamo predvsem glede na mamografsko ugotovljeno stopnjo sumljivosti, včasih ne glede na citološki ali celo histološki izvid. Seveda mora biti radiolog seznanjen s šibkimi stranmi vsake posamezne preiskave.
Descriptors     BREAST NEOPLASMS