Avtor/Urednik     Špiljak, Dušanka
Naslov     Kako živeti s hemipilegijo v domu upokojencev
Prevedeni naslov     How to live with hemiplegia in an old people's home
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Rihtar A, Rotner E, editors. Pomen raziskovalnega dela v fizioterapoiji. Zbornik 4. simpozij fizioterapevtov Slovenije; 1998 maj 8-10; Radenci. Ljubljana: Inštitut za rehabilitacijo,
Leto izdaje     1998
Obseg     str. 63-72
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     In the old people's homes of Slovenia there are 5% of the people who are older than 65, approximately 1/4 of them are suffering from cerebrovascular diseases (CVD) and the consecutive hemiplegia. Teh hemiplegia is a serious psychical and physical burden for old people and the perons around them, especially for their families. The authoress presents a physiotherapeutic treatment of such patients and their lives in the Home. She informs us of the CVD and their consequences. Her experience and the methods of her work are stated. Teh appearance of psyhorganic changes and their significance for the psychical condition of a patient are stressed: namely, in the rehabilitation doctrine a general belief has been adopted that the acceptance of a physical disability is a condition for an efficient rehabilitation. Also a questionary shows, why the people with hemiplegia are in the old people's home, and low they have accepted it as their new home.
Deskriptorji     HOMES FOR THE AGED