Avtor/Urednik     Reven, Darja; Antonin, Adi; Fidler, Mateja; Rener, Staša; Ahčin, Brigita
Naslov     Tudi mi se radi igramo
Prevedeni naslov     Also we love playing
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Rihtar A, Rotner E, editors. Pomen raziskovalnega dela v fizioterapoiji. Zbornik 4. simpozij fizioterapevtov Slovenije; 1998 maj 8-10; Radenci. Ljubljana: Inštitut za rehabilitacijo,
Leto izdaje     1998
Obseg     str. 146-50
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     In our contribution we present game and its value for a child's development. For every child, healthy or handicaped, playing is a pleasent job through which a child acquaries basic experiences. If the base of a child's experiences is bad or lacking, teh child will hardly ever be able to learn to do any requiring activities. Here we present teh therapeutic-playing sessions, which occupational therapists arrange once aweek, cooperating with the psychologist and the physiotherapist. Children with different diseases (handicaps) are included. Through our regular weekly meetings we learn about teamwork together with teh children in teh group. We (bserve) get acguanted with teh child's whole functioning in a spontaneous sitation: his/her cognitive, emotional, social, sensory and motorical responses. Playing is a strong motivation for a child. We do not disturb teh child during teh game (we only help or guide him/her, if necessary), just observe and analie teh responses. In individual treatmens we try to achieve functioning of a higher quality. So, playing in one of the estimating and therapeutic modes. Together with teh children we estimate teh game and the feeling (mood) before teh end of such a playing-therapeutic session. After teh session therapists evaluate the child's responses from the motorical and pshychosocial view point.