Author/Editor     Kremžar, Boriana; Špec-Marn, Ana
Title     Imunski odziv pri politravmatiziranem bolniku
Translated title     Immunologic response in polytraumatized patient
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. Suppl 5
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 123-9
Language     slo
Abstract     In the paper a stress reponse in a polytraumatized patient is described. The stress response includes neuroendocrine system, metabolic changes and inflammatory mediators. When describing the stress response in a polytraumatized patients the mentoined three factors cannot be separately discussed. Their role in the stress response is contributive and their effects interactive. Therefore the work in this field is oriented mostly towards preventing the abnormal stress response and its consequences.
Summary     V prispevku avtorici opisujeta odziv na stres pri politravmatiziranem bolniku, ki zajema nevroendokirni sistem, metabolne spremembe in mediatorje vnetja. V odzivu na stres pri politravmatiziranem bolniku omenjenih treh dejavnikov ne moremo obravnavati ločeno, ker v odzivu vzajemno sodelujejo in se njihovi učinki prepletajo. Na področju odziva na poškodbo ali okužbo je raziskovalno delo usmerjeno predvsem v preprečevanje nenormalnega odgovora organizma na stres in preprečevanje posledic le-tega.
Descriptors     MULTIPLE TRAUMA