Avtor/Urednik     Velušček, Irena
Naslov     Odnos goriških dijakov prvih letnikov do zdravja v šolskem letu 1995/96
Prevedeni naslov     Health attitudes of students attending the first year of secondary schools in the region of Nova Gorica in the school year 1995/96
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vars
Vol. in št.     Letnik 37, št. Suppl
Leto izdaje     1998
Obseg     str. 237-52
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The article analyses the attitude towards health of a representative and systematically randomly selected sample of 500 students of the first year of secondary school in Gorica, which is 29.7% of the total population during the school year 1995/96. The selection of the units from this population was made in relation to the share of high school students ranked by sex and educational programme. The instrument used for the research was an anonymous survey questionnaire. The answers of the students were statistically processed and analysed with an SPSS computer programme with a t-test and chisquare test. The students have ample knowledge about health, but their behaviour and generalattitudes to health are not consistent with knowledge. High school students have a more positive attitude towards health than students in vocational programmes. Girls inboth programmes have a more positive attitude than boys in both programmes. Students have insufficient power to determine therir own behaviour; attiudes and subjective standards point to pressures from their schoolmates in the forming of their behaviour. Most of the students are overburdened with studies, sleep too little, watch television too often, are not physically active and prefer passive free time activities.
Izvleček     Članek analizira odnos do zdravja na reprezantativnem, naključno izbranem vzorcu 500 dijakov prvih letnikov goriških srednjih šol, ki je zajel 29,7% populacije v šolskem letu 1995/96. Pri izbiri enot iz populacije smo upoštevali delež dijakov na srednjih šolah po spolu in programu izobraževanja. Raziskovalni instrument je anonimni anketni vprašalnik. Odgovori dijakov so statistično obdelani in analizirani v računalniškem programu SPSS s testom t in testom hi-kvadrat. Dijaki precej vedo o zdravju, vendar se njihovo obnašanje in odnos do zdravja ne ujemata z znanjem. Srednješolci imajo pozitivnejši odnos do zdravja kot dijaki poklicnega programa. Dekleta v obeh programih imajo pozitivnejši odnos do zdravja kot fantje v obeh programih. Dijaki imajo šibek nadzor nad svojim vedenjem, stališča in subjektivne norme pa opozarjajo na pritisk vrstnikov pri odločitvi za vedenje. Večina dijakov je obremenjena z učenjem, premalo spi, preveč gleda televizijske programe, ni telesno aktivna in izbira pasivne prostočasne aktivnosti.
Deskriptorji     HEALTH BEHAVIOR