Author/Editor     Remškar, Zlata; Rezar, Leopold; Debeljak, Andrej; Kecelj, Peter
Title     Slepa igelna biopsija parietalne plevre
Translated title     Needle pleural biopsy
Type     članek
Source     Endoskopska revija
Vol. and No.     Letnik 3, št. 7
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 131-4
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. The aim of this study was to determine the diagnostic value of needle pleural biopsy (NPB) in patients with pleural disease treated at the Department of Pulmonary Diseases and Allergy Golnik in the years 1996 and 1997. Methods. The purpose of our retrospective study of 176 NPBs done at this Department between 1996 and 1997 was to determine the efficiency, diagnostic yield and complications of NPB used for the evaluation of patients with pleural disease. Results. In 18.8% of the patients studied, granulomatous or tuberculous pleuritis was diagnosed on the grounds of histology of pleural specimens obtained by NPB. Malignant - mostly secondary - infiltration of pleura was discovered in 17.7% of patients with pleural disease. In 3.4% of patients other less frequent conditions were diagnosed, such as asbestos pleuritis, posttraumatic pleuritis and anyloidosis of pleura. In 59.1% of patients we established the diagnosis of unspecific pleural inflammation; in half thes epatients the condition was later identified by other diagnostic modalities as a manifestation of some internal disease. The etiology of pleural disease remained unknown in 28.3% of patients. The fact that only 3 tissue specimens were not properly collected speaks for great competence and tecnicalskill of doctors performing NPB. Complications of NPB were few and not life-threatening: there were 5 lung collapses and 3 iatrogenic pneumothoraces. Conclusions. As expected and then confirmed by the analysis of 176 NPBs done at this Department between 1996 and 1997, NPB is a valuable diagnostic tool in the evaluation of patients with pleural disease. The procedure should always precede thoracoscopy.
Summary     Izhodišča. Namen raziskave je bil ovrednotiti diagnostično vlogo slepe igelne biopsije parietalne plevre (SIBPP) v diagnostiki obolenj plevre, zdravljenih v Bolnišnici Golnik v letih 1996 in 1997. Metode. Naredili smo retrospektivno analizo 176 opravljenih SIBPP v Bolnišnici Golnik v letih 1996 in 1997. Vrednotili smo uspešnost izvedbe posega, njegove zaplete ter diagnostično vrednost odvzamov plevre pri opredeljevanju obolenja plevre. Rezultati. Pri 18,8% v analizo zajetih bolnikov smo na osnovi histološkega pregleda s SIBPP odvzeta koščka plevre ugotovili granulomski oziroma tuberkulozni plevritis. Pri 17,1% bolnikov s plevralno prizadetostjo smo odkrili malignomsko infiltracijo plevre, ki je bila praviloma sekundarna. Pri 3,4% bolnikov smo diagnosticirali redkejša obolenja plevre, kot so azbestni plevritis, ki smo ga uspeli po poškodbi in amiloidozo plevre. Pri 59,1% bolnikov smo našli nespecifični plevritis, ki smo ga uspeli pri dobri polovici navedenih bolnikov s upoštevanjem še ostalih preiskav podrobneje diagnostično opredeliti v sklopu nekaterih internističnih obolenj. Etiologija prizadetosti reberne mrene je ostala nepojasnjena le pri 28,3% vseh obravnavanih bolnikov. Raziskava je pokazala dobro izurjenost operaterjev. Le v treh primerih je bil tehnično neustrezno odvzet vzorec plevre, ki ni zajel tkiva plevre. Zapleti so bili maloštevilni in nenevarni (5 kolapsov, 3 jatrogeni pnevmotoraksi). Zaključki. SIBPP ima v skaldu s pričakovanji in ugotovljenimi rezultati analize 176 opravljenih biopsij v letih 1996 in 1997 v Bolnišnici Golnik pomembno diagnostično mesto pri opredeljevanju bolezni plevre. Indicirana je pred torakoskopijo.
Descriptors     PLEURAL DISEASES