Author/Editor     Rott, Tomaž; Kern, Izidor
Title     Možnosti patologa pri pregledu pljučnih tkivnih vzorcev odvzetih z invazivnimi metodami
Translated title     The possibilities of pathological evaluation of lung tissue specimens obtained by invasive diagnostic procedures
Type     članek
Source     Endoskopska revija
Vol. and No.     Letnik 3, št. 7
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 153-6
Language     slo
Abstract     The results of biopsy depend on the level of co-operation between the clinician and the pathologist, as well as on the indications for biopsy, quality of biopsy specimens, methods used and the pathologist's experience. immunohistology, which should be standardized at every step of the procedure, is the most frequently used ancillary method.
Summary     Rezultati pregleda biopsij so odvisni od ustreznega sodelovanja med klinikom in patologom, pravilne indikacije za biopsijo, kakovosti biopsijskega vzorca, racionalne in optimalne izbire metodologije in patologovih izkušenj. Danes kot pomožno metodo najpogosteje uporabljamo imunohistologijo, ki mora biti standardizirana na vseh stopnjah postopka.
Descriptors     LUNG DISEASES