Author/Editor     Turk, Josip
Title     Introduction to the prevention of coronary artery disease
Type     članek
Source     In: Pajer Z, Štiblar-Martinčič D, editors. International symposium on cardiovascular diseases. Proceedings of the 29th memorial meeting devoted to prof. dr. Janez Plečnik; 1998 Dec 3-5; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Medical faculty, Institute of histology and embryology,
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 415-22
Language     eng
Abstract     Angina pectoris of symptom of myocardial ischamia is present only in 1/3 of ischaemic episodes while 2/3 of them are silent. However, also in these cases the fatal ventricular fibrilation or acute pump failure can occur. The myocardial infarction is the results of CAD with prolongued ischaemia. Sudden death is the worst consequence of the CAD. Half of suddenly deceased were not awere of their disease. Almost half of the patients with myocardial infarction die before reaching adequate medical service. Therefore the need for prevention of CAD as well as of its risk factors that starts in the youth is of most importance. - Atherosclerosis is the cause ofCAD. In almost 50% it appears in the absence of the important traditional risk factors. There have been more and more reports lately stating that it can be the consequence of chronic infections with chlamydia pneumonia, with Citomegalovirus, Helicobacter-pylory or others. The infection theory of atherosclerosis is primarly confirmed by serologic proofs, less by isolationof microorgamisms from plaques. In the lack of proofs for this theory the antibiotics as macrolides and tetracyclines in the therapy of atherosclerosis cannot be yet applied. Our knowledge of traditional risk factors, important for the epidemiology of CAD remain intactly important. It is the base of recommendations for its prevention. The main points of its strategy are nutrition, non smoking, optimal blood pressure, optimal cholesterol and physical activity. The adequate life style itself excludes the main part of risk factors. It also has the key position in the recommendations for "prevention of CAD in clinical practice", published in spring of 1998 by EAS, ESC and ESH. - THe medical service can in efforts to reduce CAD contribute only with 30%, the rest is the duty of the governement, its professional institutes and of humanitary organisations.(Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)
Descriptors     CORONARY DISEASE