Author/Editor     Zupanič-Slavec, Zvonka
Title     Predhodniki in pionirji rentgenologije
Translated title     Predecessors and pioneers of radiology
Type     članek
Source     In: Glaser E, editor. 100 let rengentskih žarkov: skozi prizmo medicine, veterine in medikohistorikov. Maribor: Medikohistorična sekcija Slovenije SZD,
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 19-26
Language     slo
Abstract     Only few discoveries in the history of science have brought so important a move forward as the discovery of X-rays. The cognition brought revolution not only in medicine, but has also found usage in many technical fields. The knowledge about attraction among different substances was known already in the antique time. By discovery of electrical phenomena and numerous experiments from that field, was given the opportunity to researchers from differents fileds, but first of all to physicist, to approach time when enough theoretical basis were given for X-rays discovery. The useful value of this discovery was soon crystalized, and used in medical diagnostics and therapeutics, as also in the technical field. The way to know side effects was longer; unfortunately many enthusiastic technician, medical and nursing staff, as poineers, paid the highest price - they fell sick with cancer diseases, resp. they died.
Descriptors     RADIOLOGY