Author/Editor     Pavan, Gordana
Title     Povijesni razvoj radiologije u Karlovcu
Translated title     Historical development of radiology in Karlovac
Type     članek
Source     In: Glaser E, editor. 100 let rengentskih žarkov: skozi prizmo medicine, veterine in medikohistorikov. Maribor: Medikohistorična sekcija Slovenije SZD,
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 89-94
Language     cro
Abstract     The paper deals with the history of the Karlovac Hospital with special emphasis on the development of radiology. The epochal discovery by X-rays of the German physicist W. C. Roentgen found its first application in the Karlovac Hospital in 1971, when the first X-ray machine was acquired. This was followed by a gradual acquisition of radiology equipment and personnel training. In 1962., Radiology Service, presently called Radiology Diagnostics Department, was founded. The first Head of the Service was Prim. Dr. Vladimir Vukelić. Today, the Radiology Diagnostics Department employs 27 people: six radiologists - two of them being Masters of Science, fifreen engineers of medical radiology, two photographers and four administrative officers. The Departement's scope of work includes complete conventional radiology, echography of all regions, CT of all regions, angiography, phlebography, myelography, arthrography as well as mamography.
Descriptors     RADIOLOGY