Author/Editor     Mayer, R; Reittner, P; Oechs, A; Szolar, D; Groell, R; Stuecklschweiger, G; Hackl, A
Title     Radiotherapy - an established treatment of pain
Type     članek
Source     In: Glaser E, editor. 100 let rengentskih žarkov: skozi prizmo medicine, veterine in medikohistorikov. Maribor: Medikohistorična sekcija Slovenije SZD,
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 109-16
Language     eng
Abstract     During the first decades of this century radiotherapy for benign painful diseases was frequently used, but only few indications such as radiotherapy for painful joint disorders have remained. The incidence of pain in cancer patients depends on the type and stage of disease; 30 to 40% of patients have moderate to severe pain at the time of diagnosis or in the early course of their disease, while 75% of those with advanced disease suffer pain. Controlling pain is essential for the relief of suffering and for maintaining quality of life. Localized pain as a symptom in patients with non-metastatic cancer will usually be treated with "curative" radical radiotherapy alone or in combination with other treatment modalities. Some suggestions for the use of radiotherapy in pain relief in advanced and disseminated disease will be given.
Descriptors     PAIN