Avtor/Urednik | Zadravec, Jože | |
Naslov | Dr. Mihaly Škrilec - prvi prekmurski kirurg | |
Prevedeni naslov | Dr. Mihaly Škrilec - the first surgeon in Prekmurje | |
Tip | članek | |
Vir | In: Glaser E, editor. 100 let rengentskih žarkov: skozi prizmo medicine, veterine in medikohistorikov. Maribor: Medikohistorična sekcija Slovenije SZD, | |
Leto izdaje | 1998 | |
Obseg | str. 231-6 | |
Jezik | slo | |
Abstrakt | Mihaly Škrilec, MD was born on September 20, 1873 at Suhi Vrh (Sueji vrej) by Gornji Moravci. His father Štefan was a shoemaker, his mother's name was Katarina, with the maiden name of Ranpacht. He got his prirnary education at Murska Sobota's elementary school and his medical degree in Budapest. After that he was employed at the Hospital of Murska Sobota. There he first became Secundarius doctor and the first surgeon in the region of Prekmurje. He became a well respected surgeon and an excellent expert. In 1.921 he became Primarius and before long the director of the Hospital in Murska Sobota. In 1.908 he married Irena Metzner. They had three sons, among them the oldest one followed his father's example and became a surgeon too. Mihaly Škrilec was doing his best in the hospital to get the first X-ray apparatus and following his efforts the Hospital received the very first one in 1929. He was also a great patriot and was during the World War I decorated with several medals. Being the first surgeon of Sobota's Hospital he is regarded to be the promoter of its surgery department. He died and was burried in Murska Sobota, on August 24, 1943. | |