Author/Editor     Zidar, Janez
Title     Živčno-mišične bolezni: klasifikacija in epidemiologija
Translated title     Neuromuscular diseases: classification and epidemiology
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. Suppl 4
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 188-92
Language     slo
Abstract     The aim of the paper is to give basic information about diagostic electromyography (EMG) and related methods, such as needed by the physician refering patients to these investigations. The paper describes normal and pathological electrical phenomena in the muscle as recorded by the needle electrode in motor unit EMG. The method allows one to distinguish EMG changes due to neurogenic from those due to mycropathic lesion. Technique and diagnostic uses of recording the M-wave, motor conduction velocity, electroneurogram and sensory conduction velocity are also described. EMG of external ocular muscles and of urethral and anal sphincters is briefly mentioned. The uses of EMG are illustrated by a few typical clinical cases.
Summary     Članek podaja splošen pregled o klinični elektromiografiji (EMG) in sorodnih diagnostičnih postopkih, kakršnega potrbuje zdravnik, ki pošilja bolnike na te preiskave. Opisani so normalni in patološki električni pojavi v mišici, kakor jih registriramo z igelno elektrodo pri EMG motoričnih enost. S to metodo je močno razlikovati med okvaro motorične inervacije in okvaro mišice same. Opisana je tudi tehnika in diagnostična raba registracije valov M in elektronevrogramov ter merjenje motorične in senzorične prevodne hitrosti. Omenjena je EMG zunanjih očesnih mišic in uretralnega ter analnega sfinktra. Uporabnost EMG ilustrira nekaj tipičnih kliničnih zgledov.