Author/Editor     Schwarzbartl, Marija Ana; Pfeifer, Vladimir
Title     Phakoemulsifikacija - nekaj napotkov začetnikom
Translated title     Phakoemulsification(phaco) - some tips for the beginners
Type     članek
Source     In: Anonymous, editor. Zbornik referatov 2. slovenski oftalmološki kongres; 1997 sep; Portorož. Ljubljana: Združenje oftalmologov Slovenije,
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 66-70
Language     slo
Abstract     Cataract surgery using current phacoemulsification techniques offers a number of attractive benefits to both the surgeon and patient. The principal advantage is a smaller incision size, which decreases the amount of tissue injury, reduces the amount of postoperative pain and inflammation, and provides a more rapid refractive stabilisation with less astigmatism induced by the procedure. The smaller incision also allows minimal restriction on the patient's physical activities, even in the early postoperative period.