Author/Editor     Hlebec, Mojca; Falež, Miran; Pahor, Dušica
Title     Kako bolniki doživljajo hospitalizacijo na oddelku
Translated title     Experiences of our patients during hospitalisation
Type     članek
Source     In: Anonymous, editor. Zbornik referatov 2. slovenski oftalmološki kongres; 1997 sep; Portorož. Ljubljana: Združenje oftalmologov Slovenije,
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 96-9
Language     slo
Abstract     Purpose: The aim of the study was so find out how much are our patients informed about the treatment and how much are they satisfied with staying at our Ophthalmology Department. Methods: We have used a personal interview as a method. The study included 19 patients, who were chosen by chance. All these patients were hospitalized because of cataract operation. There were 14 women and 5 men, most of them with only elementary school education. An average age was 64,3 years. Results:17 patients (89,5%) believed, they had received enough information about their illness and therapeutic possibilities. The main source of information was their ophthal- mologist.16 patients (84,2%) were not worried about the operation, only three patients (15,8%) were scared because of the surgery procedure. Blurred vision and itching were the greatest trouble after the surgery for 6 patients (31,6%), while 3 patients (15,8%) complained about the pain. All patients were satisfied with the staff and living conditions at the department. Conclusion. Our patients are not well informed but they also do not feel the need of greater knowledge. They are satisfied with the staff of the department. They do not have any special complains about the operation and their postoperative condition.