Author/Editor     Bučar-Poljanec, A; Požar-Lukanović, N; Vintar, N
Title     Izbira vrste anestezije za operacijo dimeljske kile - lokalna, področna ali splošna
Translated title     Types of anaesthesia for inguinal hernia repair - local, regional or general
Type     članek
Source     In: Repše S, editor. Zbornik simpozija Kile; 1998; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Kirurška šola, Kirurška klinika,
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 128-32
Language     slo
Abstract     As ingunial hernia repair is a relatively noninvasive procedure it enables the choice of different anaesthesia techniques. The most common technique used is regional anaesthesia. It provides a quality analgesia and good operative conditions. One should be aware of complictions due to anaesthesia technique and toxicity of local anaesthetics. If there are contraindications for regional anaesthesia in cardiac, septic or hypertensive patients, general anaesthesia is appropriate. Recently, hernia repair in local anaesthesia in combination with sedation (monitored anaesthesia care (MAC) - has become popular. This type of anaesthesia is preformed by the surgeon himself. It is popular in day-stay surgery. The choice of anaesthesia depends on the patients' general condition, their wishes,doctrine of the institution and the possibilities of postoperative monitoring.
Descriptors     HERNIA, INGUINAL