Author/Editor     Malovrh, Marko
Title     Non-invasive evaluation of vessels by duplex sonography prior to construction of arteriovenous fistulas for haemodialiysis
Type     članek
Source     Nephrol Dial Transplant
Vol. and No.     Letnik 13
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 125-9
Language     eng
Abstract     Purpose. The prospective study was aimed at estimating the value of duplex sonography for imaging arteries before arteriovenous fistula (AVF) construction and of evaluating the influence of this method on the outcome of fitstula construction. Methods. A total of 35 patients with end stage renal disease were examined by duplex sonography (DS) before AVF construction, and 27 of them with patent AVF were examined 1, 7 and 21 days after the operation. Filling artery flow was evaluated at 8 and 12 weeks. All AVFs were constructed on the forearm using native veins. Direct measurements of the arterial internal diameter during the operation were also performed. Results. The mean internal diameter of the arteries (IDA) detected by sonography 2,3+-0.62mm, with a direct measurement of 2.1+-0.52 mm (mean+-SD). The correlation coefficient of DS IDA with direct measurement IDA was 0.86. In group A (IDA<-1.5 mm), immediate patency of the AFV was present in 45% (5/11), and in group B (IDA>1.5 mm) 92% (22/24) (P<0.001). Before the construction, the mean volume flow through the radial arteries was 22+-6.8 ml.min in group A and in group B 46+-6.3 ml/min (p<0.01). If there was conversion of high-restance triphasic Doppler flow signal to low-resistance biphasic flow signal after release of a fist (group D), the AVF was patent in 95% (21/22), compred with a 46% (6/13) rate of patency in the group without such a response (group C). In 27 patients with patent AVF fistula, arterial volume flow the first day after construction was 138.1+-10.1 ml/min in group A and 184.2+-12.6 ml/min in group B. After 1 week, the volumeflow was 169+-11.1 ml/min and 202.4+-13.5 ml/min, respectively.*Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)
Descriptors     ARTERIES