Avtor/Urednik     Bertram, Bodo
Naslov     Cochlear implantation at an early age: first experiences
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Zbornik referatov 1. slovenskega posveta o rehabilitaciji oseb s kohlearnim implantom; 1998 okt 16-17; Maribor. Maribor: Center za sluh in govor,
Leto izdaje     1998
Obseg     str. 122-37
Jezik     ger
Abstrakt     Despite an intensive information policy during the past years and new possibilities of diagnosis, the results regarding the earliest possible identification and diagnosis of hearing defects that have been achieved can still not be considered as satisfactory Against the background that the perfectly functioning senses of the child are a basic condition we have to urgently ask for an effective improvement of the early identification and diagnosis of hearing impairments of all degrees more than ever. Experience has taught us, however, that some children - because of their individual pattern of hearing impairment - cannot get a benefit for their language development from the conventional electro-acoustic hearing aid. In this context a lot of questions are raised. Today cochlear implants are available for the functional replacement of the non-functioning inner ear also for children. With this new electronic hearing aid it is possible to fight the danger of preventing central-nervous maturation processes, and leaving billions of nerve cells "lying around" useless without giving them a chance to fulfil their original function - the analysis of language. Not only the time but also the nature of the stimuli strongly decide to which degree pre-programmed neuronal structures will come into function. In the promotion of hearing and speech of CI children it is therefore important to include these highly complex and differentiated processes in experiential situations which are meaningful and relevant for the child, which provide him with the acoustic dimension of his environment as well as the significance of the linguistic dimension in human society and the connection of all this step by step.
Deskriptorji     COCHLEAR IMPLANT