Author/Editor     Zupanič-Slavec, Zvonka; Toplak, Cirila
Title     "Choose a lesser of two evils" Vinzenz Kern (1760-1829) and the introduction of vaccination in the Slovenian territories of the Habsburg monarchy - on the 200th anniversary of Jenner's discovery of the small-pox vaccination
Type     članek
Source     Wien Klin Wochenschr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 110, št. 13-14
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 501-6
Language     eng
Abstract     On the 200th anniversary of Edward Jen- ner's discovery of vaccination and its subsequent application in the Habsburg monarchy the authors draw the reader's attention to Vinzenz Kern (1760-1829) who was an important personality in Austrian medicine at the end of the l8th and the beginning of the l9th century. A period of his life which he spent in Ljubljana was devoted to the introduction of vaccination among Slovenian popula-tion, which he achieved in spite of strong opposition.
Descriptors     SMALLPOX VACCINE