Author/Editor     Debeljak, Boštjan
Title     Vloga farmacevta v lekarni pri promociji zdravja
Translated title     The role of the pharmacist in health promotion
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. 11-12
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 515-6
Language     slo
Abstract     A pharmacist is obligated to verify the prescribed doses of medicinal products and also give instructions how to use them properly and safely. He/she is expected to feel responsible for the health of a patient and show his/her concern about protecting him/her against various diseases. This is becoming more and more important. A pharmacist is trying to fulfill the expectations by dispensing prescription drugs, non-prescription drugs and medical devices, by selling dietetic products, product for personal care and protection and also medicines and products used in veterinary medicine and by trying to help the patients who are just seeking advice. A pharmacist should pay special attention to high-risk patient such as infants, children, pregnant women, breast-risk patient such as infants, children, pregnant women, breast-feeding women, older adults and patients with cronic diseases. One of the most important task of a pharmacist is to win his/her customers' confidence which also depends on the time he/she can dedicate to each of his/her patients or customers.
Summary     Farmacevt e vlekarni je dolžan poleg prevejanja predpisanega odmerka zdravila na recept bolniku tudi ustrezno svetovati o pravilni in varni uporabi zdravila. Vse pomembnejša pa postaja famacevtova vloga pri skrbi za bolnikovo zdravje ter varovanje in ohranjanje le-tega. Te vloge farmacevt ne opravlja le ob izdaji zdravil na recept in brez recepta ter izdaji tehničnih pripomočkov, temveč tudi ob prodami dietetskih izdelkov ali izdelkov za osebno nego in zaščito, v primerih, ko želi obiskovalec lekarne le nasvet, pa tudi ob izdaji zdravil in izdelkov za uporabo v veterinarski medicini. Pri svetovanju mora farmacevt posebno skrb posvetiti bolnikom iz t.i. skupin spovečnim tveganjem: dojčkom in majhnim otrokom, nosečnicam, doječim materma, starostnikom in kroničnim bolnikom. Pri svetovalni vlogi farmacevta v lekarni vsekakor igra pomembno vlogo-pridobljeno bolnikovo zaupanje, ki je odvisno tudi od časa, ki ga lahko posveti farmacevt.
Descriptors     HEALTH PROMOTION