Author/Editor     Maurič, Danilo; Bigec, Martin; Šijanec, Tone
Title     Zgodnja preventiva osteoporoze
Translated title     Early preventive of osteoporosis
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. 11-12
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 531-3
Language     slo
Abstract     Because of its consequential fractures, osteoporosis is the cause of increasing morbidity, mortality and social-economic costs in the developed countries. Acquiring the optimal peak bone mass in girls and young women is probably the most important preventive measure for lowering the risk of future fractures due to osteoporosis. Not enough attention has been paid to the bone modelling in girls and young women, especially in the period from 11-14 years of age, when the bone modelling is fastest and strongest. The aim of early when the bone modelling is fastest and strongest. The aim of early prevention of osteoporosis is a physically active young girl with well-regulated function of hormones and adequate nutrition, who is aware, that strong and healthy bones are the basis for a long and productive life and therefore avoids bad habits which have negative influence on bone modelling. Bone status and success of early prevention of osteoporosis in young women could be shown only by screening of the bone mass modelling. With ultrasound measurement (osteo-sonometry) of the bones mineral content in all young women at 20 and 30 years of age, all the women who have not achieved optimal peak bone mass would be considered as potential candidates for the developing of osteoporosis. Social-economic profit of the lower number of fractures would be evidently higher than the cost of two early screenings.
Summary     Osteoporoza povzroča zaradi posledičnih zlomov kosti naraščajočo obolevnost,smrtnost in socialno-ekonomske stroške v razvitih deželah sveta. Pridobitev optimalne maksimalne kostne mineralne gostote pri mladih ženskah je verjetno najbol pomemben ukrep pri zniževanju tveganja za osteoporotične zlome v prihodnosti. Premalo pozornosti se je v preventivi osteoporoze posvečalo mladostnicam in mladim ženskam pri njihovi izgradnji kosti, ki je najhirejša in najmočnejša med 11. in 14. letom starosti. Cilj zgodnje preventive osteoporoze je hormonsko urejena, pravilno prehranjena in telesno dejavna mladostnica, ki ve, da so močne in zdrave kosti pogoj za dolgo in produktivno življenje in se zato izogiba negativnm razvadam, ki slabovplivajo na kostno izgradnjo. Kostni status in uspeh zgodnje preventive osteoporoze pri mladih ženskah pa lahko pokaže le presejanje kostne izgradnje. Ultrazvočno merjenje (osteoosonometrija) mineralne gostote kosti pri vseh mladih ženskah v 20. 30. letu starosti bi uvrstilo med ženske z možnim tveganjem za razvoj osteoporoze vse tiste, ki niso dosegle optimalne maksimalne kostne mineralne gostote. Stroški dveh zgodnjih presejanj kostne izgradnje bi bili bistveno nižji od socialno-ekonomskega dobička zaradi zmanjšanega števila zlomov.
Descriptors     OSTEOPOROSIS