Author/Editor     Bajd, T; Kralj, A; Štefančič, M; Lavrač, N
Title     FES assisted walking in incomplete SCI subjects: an overview
Type     članek
Source     In: Proceedings of the 6th Vienna international workshop on functional electrostimulation: basics, technology, application; 1998 Sep 22-24; Vienna. Vienna: University of Vienna, Department of biomedical engineering and physics,
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 1-9
Language     eng
Abstract     A therapeutic electrical stimulation in incomplete spinal cord injury patients can be initiated after testing if there are no contraindications for low frequency electrotherapy; only patients with upper motor neuron type lesion are candidates for this program. Three groups of patients were identified: those in whom an improvement of both voluntary and stimulated muscle force was observed, those with an incrase in stimulation response only, and patients in whom no effect of electrical stimulation training could be recorded. As it is difficult to predict the outcome of the electrical stimulation rehabilitation process, a diagnostic procedure was developed predicting soon after the accident which incomplete SCI patients are candidates for a permantent use of FES orthotic aid. Based on data about 31 incomplete SCI patients, a classification tree was developed using a machine learning approach. The induced classification tree indicates that the candidates for chronic use of FES are patients with weak ankle dorsiflexors and sufficiently strong knee extensors. These patients are equipped with a signle-channel peroneal stimulator augmenting dorsiflexion, and knee and hip flexion in a total lower limb flexion response. By applying the FES to ankle plantar flexors, the swing phase of walking can be significantly shortened and faster walking obtained.