Author/Editor     Čakš, Tomaž; Stanič-Stefan, Nataša
Title     Brez cigaretnega dima
Translated title     Living without tobacco
Type     članek
Source     In: Raspor P, Pitako D, Hočevar I, editors. Tehnologija - hrana - zdravje. Knjiga del 1. slovenski kongres o hrani in prehrani z mednarodno udeležbo. Vol 1. Vol 2; 1996 apr 21-25; Bled. Ljubljana: Društvo živilskih in prehranskih strokovnih delavcev Slovenije,
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 757-64
Language     eng
Abstract     The healthy way of life in cinsidered the one without tobacco and with healthy food. Smokers have additional risk factors as physical inactivity and inadequate nutrition, which makes the life even more hazardous. Active smoking plays the most important role among avoidable risk factors, followed by alcohol consumption and passive smoking. Active smoking and inadequate nutrition are habits, which would be influenced either by individual or social efforts. Smoking fosters cardiovascular diseases, pulmonary and gastrointestinal ailments especially in connection with inadequate nutrition. Adequate nutrition can make slower break out of sach diseases. Among inhabitants of Ljubljana aged 25 - 64 years, two randomised surveys were performed to find out their smoking habits. As a smoker was considered an individual, who smokes more than one cigarette per day. The first survey was made among 1990/91 and included 1692 persons and the second between 1994/95 included 323 persons. The first one showed 42.1% active smokers. This percentage is somewhat lower in the second survey, but the difference is statistically not significant. Both surveys showed, that majority of smokers starts smoking in teenage years. The first survey showed, that smokers have statistically significantly more inadequate nutrition than non-smokers. The results prove that the inhabitants of Ljubljana carry a rather unhealthy way of life. Intervention programs targeted to individuals, as well as mass media campaings, organised by the society, would be possible solution.
Descriptors     HEALTH PROMOTION