Author/Editor     Proulx, Gary M; Gibbs, John F; Lee, R Jeffrey; Velagapudi, Satish; Huben, Robert
Title     Sarcomas of the bladder: a case report with a review of the literature
Translated title     Sarkom mehurja: prikaz primera s pregledom literature
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 33, št. 1
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 63-8
Language     eng
Abstract     Sarcomas of the bladder are rare tumors with decisions about treatment and understanding of outcome based on limited reports from single institutions. Consequently, neither a standard staging system nor standard treatment exists for this disease. A retrospective review of the medical records at our institution from January 1960 to December 1997 for sarcomas of the bladder and a review of the literature were made to better understand the natural history and treatment outcome of these tumors. We report on one case treated with curative intent and summarize the experience of other institutions. If disease is localized to the bladder, then surgery alone, either by total or partial cystectomy or, alternativelly, a multimodality approach using a combination of treatment with partial cystectomy and local radiation with chemotherapy to address risk of systemic disease can offer patients a good chance for cure.
Summary     Sarkomi mehurja so redki tumorji, zato temeljita prognoza bolnika in odločitev o vrsti zdravljenja na redkih poročilih posamičnih ustanov. Tako tudi nimamo standardne razvrstitve bolnikov po stadijih bolezni, niti ne standardnega zdravljenja. Na Roswell Park inštitutu v Buffalu smo naredili retrospektivni pregled bolnikov, ki so se od januarja 1960 do decembra 1997 zdravili zaradi sarkoma mehurja. Te izkušnje in pregled literature nam omogočajo boljše razumevanje naravnega poteka bolezni in napovedi bolnikovega preživetja glede na vrste zdravljenja. V članku prikazujemo primer bolnika, ki smo ga radikalno zdravili z namenom ozdravitve in podajamo izkušnje drugih ustanov. Ce je bolezen omejena na mehur, lahko bolnika zdravimo s popolno ali delno kirurško odstranitvijo mehurja ali pa se odločimo za kombinirano zdravljenje z delno odstranitvijo mehurja, obsevanjem in kemoterapijo, saj s tem zmanjšamo nevarnost sistemskega obolenja in in ima bolnik dobre možnosti, da ga pozdravimo.