Author/Editor     Kristan, Anže; Cimerman, Matej
Title     Sodoben pogled na zlome acetabuluma
Translated title     Contemporary view on acetabular fracture
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. 4
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 549-61
Language     slo
Abstract     Fractures of the acetabulum are high-energy injuries. They mostly affect young adults and can cause severe disability. The type of fracture depends on the mechanism of trauma and the position of the body at the time of the accident. Proper treatment of acetabular fractures demands good knowledge of three-dimensional anatomy of the pelvis. Our goal in acetabular fracture treatment is to accomplish anatomical reduction of bone fragments of the articular surface, which can be achieved mostly by surgery. Since none of the operative approaches available can demonstrate the entire acetabulum, several surgical techniques must be utilized. Some early and late postoperative complications are highlighted at the end of the article.
Summary     Zlomi acetabuluma so visoko energijske poškodbe, ki prizadanejo predvsem mlade ljudi in so lahko vzrok za veliko invalidnost. Tip zloma je odvisen od mehanizma poškodbe in položaja telesa v času poškodbe. Za obravnavo zlomov acetabuluma je potrebno tridimenzionalno poznavanje anatomije medenice. Pri zdravljenju si prizadevamo za anatomsko rekonstrukcijo sklepne površine, le-ta pa je v večini primerov možna le z operacijo. Z nobenim operativnim pristopom si ne moremo v celoti prikazati acetabuluma, zato uporabljamo več pristopov. V članku so opisani tudi najpomembnejši zgodnji in pozni pooperativni zapleti.
Descriptors     ACETABULUM