Avtor/Urednik     Molj, Jelka; Ivanuša, Marjan; Drinovec, Jože; Mrhar, Aleš; Urleb, Uroš
Naslov     Pharmacoeconomic evaluation of ulcer disease traetment in Slovenia
Prevedeni naslov     Farnakoekonomska ocena zdravljenja ulkusne bolezni v Sloveniji
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 68, št. 3
Leto izdaje     1999
Obseg     str. 151-6
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Background. In the future pharmacoeconomic analyses will become increasingly important, as new ways will have to be found to achieve the required level of medical care with the most efficient use of resources. The pharmacoeconomic study on the drug treatment of ulcer disease presented here includes a comparative analysis of the cost of treatment associated with three alternative therapies for ulcer disease: H2-receptor antagonists, proton pump inhibitors and agents aimed at eradication of H. pylori. The purpose of the study was to assess which of these therapies has the most favourable profile regarding the therapeutic efficacy and the cost of treatment in Slovenia. Methods. The cost of treatment was evaluated by analyzing the cost-effectiveness of the three alternative therapies. Included in the evaluation were humanistic aspects and all expenses associated with the selected therapies. The valuation of the efficacy of the therapies was based on clinical studies results found in the literature. Calculations of the cost of treatment were based on cure of 100 patients. All cost of the treatment were valued in monetary units. Results. Acute therapy aimed at H. pylori eradication involved a higher cost of treatment compared to the alternative drug theapies. However, as early as after one year an analysis of the direct cumulative expenses and the indirect costs associated with the treatment revealed that eradication of H. pylori was in fact the less expensive treatment of ulcer disease. Conclusions. Drugs aimed at eradication of H. pylori proved the most effective drug therapy for ulcer disease and they were associated with the most favourable cost-benefit profile in patients in whom H. pylori was the cause of the disease. (Abstracts truncated at 2000 characters).
Izvleček     Izhodišča. Delež sredstev družbenega bruto proizvoda za zdravstveno varstvo je v Sloveniji leta 1997 znašal 7,6%. V strukturi odhodkov Zavoda za zdravstvene storitve za to leto predstavljajo zdravila in lekarniška dejavnost 17,9%, osnovna zdravstvena dejavnost 22,2%, specialistična ambulanta in bolnišnična dejavnost pa kar 48,9%. V prihodnje se bo krepil pritisk na izvajalce zdravstvene oskrbe naj pri delu varčujejo. Del teh varčevalnih ukrepov bo temeljil tudi n manjši in smoternejši porabi zdravil. Farmakoekonomske analize bodo dobile vse večjo veljavo, saj se bodo iskale nove poti, ki bodo zagotavljale potrebno raven zdravstvene oskrbe in bodo hkrati tudi stroškovno najustreznejše. Farmakoekonomika je mlada veda in se njen pomen povečuje predvsem s strani plačnikov zdravljenja. Definirana je kot ekonomsko ovrednotenje opisanih in analiziranih stroškov in rezultatov zdravljenja. S farmakoekonomskimi raziskavami identificiramo, merimo in primerjamo stroške tveganja in prednosti zdravstvenih programov in terapij. Najuporabnejše so farmakoekonomske analize pogostih kroničnih bolezni, na primer ulkusne bolezni. Farmakoekonomska študija zdravljenja ulkusne bolezni vključuje primerjalno analizo stroškov zdravljenja z antagonisti receptorjev H2 z zaviralci protonske črpalke in zdravljenja s kombinacijo zdravil za odstranitev bakterije Helicobacter pylori. Želeli smo ugotoviti, katero od teh načinov zdravljenja je najučinkovitejše in hkrati stroškovno najustreznejše v Sloveniji. (Abstract prekinjen pri 2000 znakih).
Deskriptorji     ULCER