Avtor/Urednik     Zaletel, Marija
Naslov     Kakovost življenja starostnikov in zdravstvena nega
Prevedeni naslov     Quality of life in aged people and nursing
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vars
Vol. in št.     Letnik 38, št. 1-2
Leto izdaje     1999
Obseg     str. 45-9
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     With the increase of elder and old population, endeavours for a more qualitative life of the aged are also increassing. At this, the role of nursing and nursing providers, the nurses, is also important. Quality of life can be measured in many ways. Known is the Allardt's triple classification of needs: "to have", "to love" "to be", the satisfying of which makes possible the quality of life. This classification is often used also on the domain of nursing. It is linked with the basic life activities of Virginia henderson, the founder of nursing. The task of nurses is to help ill or healthy proteges at performing those activities that they would carry out alone, had they had the necessary strength, will and knowledge. This autonomous role of nurses is especially explicit on the domain of nursing of the aged. Some researches on life quality of the aged were performed at the School for Health Studies. Their results are important for the ascertaining of needs according to Allard's triple classification and for the ascertaining of needs for nursing. These needs could be most effectively met by an up-to-date methodological approach, realized in the process of nursing.
Izvleček     Z naraščanjem starejše in stare populacije rastejo prizadevanja za kakovostno življenje starostnikov. Pri tem je pomembna tudi vloga zdravstvene nege in njenih nosilk, medicinskih sester. Kakovost življenja merimo na več načinov. Znana je Allardtova trojna klasifikacija potreb "imeti", "ljubiti", katerih zadovoljevanje omogoča kakovost življenja. To klasifikacijo pogosto uporabljamo tudi v zdravstveni negi. Povezujemo jo s 14 temeljnimi življenjskimi aktivnostmi utemeljiteljice zdravstvene nege Virginie Henderson. Naloga medicinskih sester je, da pomagajo bolnim ali zdravim varovancevm pri izvajanju tistih akvitnosti, ki bi jih opravljali sami, če bi imeli potebno moč, voljo in znanje. Ta samostojna vloga medicinskih sester je izrazita na področju zdravstvene nege starostnikov. V zvezi z ugotavljanjem kakovosti življenja starostnikov so bile na Visoki šoli za zdravstveno opralvjene nekatere raziskave. Njihovi izsledki so pomembni za ugotavljanje potreb po Allardtovi trojni klasifikaciji ter za ugotavljanje potreb po zdravstveni negi. Te potrebe pa bilahko najučinkoviteje reševali s sodobnim metodološkim pristopom, ki se udejanja v procesu zdravstvene nege.
Deskriptorji     AGED