Avtor/Urednik     Brložnik, Magda; Smolič, Marija
Naslov     Partonažna zdravstvena nega starostnika
Prevedeni naslov     Aged people and community nursing
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vars
Vol. in št.     Letnik 38, št. 1-2
Leto izdaje     1999
Obseg     str. 63-66
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Community nurse performs the nursing of proteges, their families and local communities. She activates their concern and interest for their own health state. Her basic task is promotion of health which is oriented towards proteges and their families. Her aim is achieved when they recognize the importance of maintaining one's own health and the health of the family. In the case when the protege is already ill or chronically ill, the nurse's task is to maintain his remaining abilities and to help him regainhis already los capabilities as soon as possible. Her final aim is self-sufficiency of the protege and his family. Groups of population whose health and social status is at risk due to their biological characteristics and changed life conditions need special treatment, both individual and as families. One of these groups are also aged or elderly people. Community nurse visits them in healthor in illness, always individually and together with their families in their dwelling environment. The year 1999 being an international year of aged people, the authoress tries to present the achievements of preventive work in elderly people and the importance of preventive viewpoint in the activity of a community nurse.
Izvleček     Patronažna medicinska sestra izvaja patronažno zdravstveno nego varovancev, družin in lokalnih skupnosti. S svojim delovanjem aktivira skrb za lastno zdravstveno stanje. Njena temeljna naloga je promocija zdravja, usmerjena pa je k varovancem in družinam. Kadar pa gre ž za obolelega ali kronično bolnega varovanca, pa njeno delovanje temelji na ohranjanju in čimprejšnji povrnitvi sposobnosti samooskrbe varovanca in njegove družine. Po teh načelih po procesni metodi obravnava tudi starostnike kot eno od skupin prebivalstva s tveganjem. Pri tem upošteva človekove življenjske dejavnosti in svoje delo izvaja preko preventivnega patronažnega obiska.
Deskriptorji     AGED