Author/Editor     Milačič, Radmila; Kožuh, Nevenka; Mitrović, Bojan
Title     Combination of three analytical techniques for speciation of Al in environmental samples
Type     članek
Source     Mikrochim Acta
Vol. and No.     Letnik 129
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 139-45
Language     eng
Abstract     An analytical scheme is proposed which combines three speciation techniques for determination of particular A1 species in soil extracts and percolating waters. A cation-exchange fast protein liquid chromatography - inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (FPLC-ICP-AES) procedure, a microcolumn chelating ion - exchange chromatography - atomic absorption spectrometry (MCC-ETAAS) technique and the 8-hydroxyquinoline spectrophotometric method (8HQ-spectrophotometry) were employed. The FPLC-ICP-AES procedure offers determination of Al3+ (retention time 4.5 min) and AI(OH) 2+ species (retention time 4.0 min) which are separated from Al(OH)2+ (retention time 1.5 min). AlF2+ coelutes with AI(OH)z+ species, while A1(S04)+, AlF+ and negatively charged A1 organic complexes coelute with Al(OH)2+ species. The MCC- ETAAS technique enables determination of the sum of positively charged monomeric aqua- and hydroxy-Al species plus sulphato- and fluoro-Al complexes. Employing the 8HQ-spectrophotometry the sum of positively charged monomeric aqua- and hydroxy-Al species plus sulphato- and most of the labile organic Al species are determined. The sensitivities of these selected techniques were adequate for speciation of Al in the samples analyzed. On the basis of the specific selectivity of a particular technique various groups of Al species may be determined. Thus, the comparison of analytical data from complementary procedures provides more comprehensive information on AI species present in soil extracts and percolating waters.