Author/Editor     Vidic, Bojan
Title     Ocena podatkov o cepljenju proti tetanusu pri populaciji starejših od 65 let v obdobju februar-maj 1998 v občini Vipava
Translated title     Tetanus vaccination evaluation among population above 65 years age in the community of Vipava from february 1998 to may 1998
Type     monografija
Place     Ljubljana
Publisher     Katedra za socialno medicino, higieno in medicino dela Medicinske fakultete
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 30
Language     slo
Abstract     Tetanus is a rare disease in many European countries and also in Slovenia. Last ten years, from 1988 to 1997, the incidence was 9,6 cases per year in Slovenia. In comparison to other European countries the average incidence was twice higher. The highest incidence in Slovenia has been registered in the region of Nova Gorica. There is a Law on communicable diseases and immunization to achieve high coverage and to reduce the tetanus morbidity. The study has been provided to answer the open questions regarding vaccination policy, coverage and tetanus morbidity to fnd the reasons for low coverage among elderly population and high tetanus incidence in the same group. The data on tetanus vaccination among patients above 65 years of age in the community of Vipava has been evaluated. The study has been focused to the policy statements and immunization practice. The tetanus incidence in Slovenia could be much lower by vaccination coverage improvement. The implementation of good vaccination practice among vaccination providers and health promotion among population is very important.
Descriptors     TETANUS